About Laura

Laura Turgeon has a passion for making art. Her magnificently detailed cross hatching style is complimented by her uncanny use of space which tends to pull the viewer into her drawings.

“It is not my intent to act as a camera and simply reproduce what is out there. It is my desire to reflect something more, something deeper. To capture a bit of how I feel about what I am drawing, a little of what the folks who have lived here for generations might feel. To reflect the feeling of a place, where people have lived, grown, and passed on. The hope is to capture the connection to these places that we share as people , no matter where we grew up or where we are from.”

Laura is a former Rhode Island resident where she immersed herself in the rich and diverse art culture that thrives in Providence. For the last four years she has been living and working in Oriental, NC.

“I have found the area rich with local culture. The Neuse river and the Pamlico Sound are practically at my door step and the ocean is not far away. Farms and forests are abundant. This nature rich environment has provided a me with a source of inspiration and visual stimulation equal to any I have encountered.”

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